Research Documentation 06 Php Frameworks

Research Documentation 06 Php Frameworks

PHP Framework

PHP Framework 1

Laravel provides a development envornment which you do not have to install PHP, a web server, or other softwares onto your own computer. Laravel runs a template engine called Blade engine, and Blade has other templates you can use PHP. Laravel provides good security features such as authentication, email verification, eycryption, and more.

PHP Framework 2

Symfony supports most of the big databases such as MySQL, Oracle, Drizzle, SQLServer, and more. Symfony hasa baking from Sensio Labs, which means that there is proffesional support available. They run off of Twig templating engine which is fast and secure.

PHP Framework 3

Codeigniter is one of the fastest options out there which allow you to build quick with minimal configurations. The framewrok provdes defense against CSRF and XSS and a content security policy.

Summary of the Documentation

There are a lot of different PHP frameworks to pick from and they all provide different things that are included with their services. Some have top speeds, some have great securtiy, and some also have support. A lot of big name companies use the 3 frameworks that I provides which shows that it is reliable and used.