He is a Mac user and uses a 14 inch MacBook Pro as well as a 15 Pro, and finally AirPods. Some of the the software he uses is Visual Studio Code, PhpStorm, Raycat which is a productivity tools and finally
He uses a Lenovo ThinkPad E580, I5 8GB Ram, Xubuntu and a Acer Predator, I7 12GB Ram, GTX 1060, Manjaro KDE, Windows 10 as his computer system. Visual Studio Code is is editor of choice and uses Google Chrome or Edge Chromium as his browser. Some of his languages he uses are TypScript, NodeJS, and PHP.
For his computer system he uses a Midnight MacBook Air (2022 - M2) and a 27" Dell Monitor. One software he uses is called Bear and it is a Markdown app. He uses Sublime Text as his text editor
I had a difficult time figuring this out, but I found the creator of the site and his name is Web Bos and if you email or tweet at him he can help you get on the right track to get your personal page on the site.