CSS Tricks Almanac

Define/Explain Selectors and Properties

Selectors are what we are telling CSS what we want to be styled, there are different types of selector. For example, you can have elements, classes, id's, and there are many other ways. Then, properties is how you style the selector. You can add background colors, borders, and layout design, and much more.

Document 2 Selectors

:focus selector link ::marker selector link
The focus psuedo class selector is how you can style something that is activated through a click or tab on the page. The marker pseudo-element is how you style ul and ol's so they can have a differnt appearance.

Document 2 Selectors

clip-path link isolation link
The clip-info propery allows you allows you to display a specific area of a element that you want to show. Then, the isolation property is used to stop an element from blending with the backdrops.


After going looking over all of the different selectors and properties, it gave me a better understanding of some new ones I have not heard of. The website also seems to have a lot of helpful information to help with other CSS tips. It would be a useful resource that I plan to save and come back to if I need the right property or selector