Review 3
- The websites name is smashing magazine and the url is
- Progressive Enhancements are methods devolopers use to make a web page most acceible to the user
- Progressive Enhancements are needed to ensure that the website is organized and a well functioned website
- No the site does not validate
- On the second page it also does not validate
- On the first site there are 43 erros/warnings, and on the second site there are 44 errors
- I would rate this site a 7, I felt that it was a good looking site and ncie colors but at times was not sure which colors and titles were meant for the reading
- I would rate this sites usability a 8 since I felt that it lead you were you needed to go in a clear way for most of the site
- Yes this site meets it puropse by explaining PE and how it is used and how to use it better