Form Elements

Form Element Attribute

The "nonvalidate" attribute is when the input should not be validated when submitted. Then "mehtod" is is how the browser knows how to send form data to the server. Then last would be "action", and this is where the form data is sent when submitted.

Form Elements

The "fieldset" element is used to groupd together other labels inside of a form. Then "legend" is the captions of the parent element.

Form Element

The "label" element represents a caption for an item, and you need to add a "for" attribute since the "for" attribute is the same as the id in the "input" element. The can not put "input" inside "label" and that is why you have to use "for".


The information I found is helpful in understanding more about forms and how the elements and attributes work with one another, and now I have more resources to look back on later.