CSS Background Properties


This specifies the the postion of the background image and the property values for background-position are; left top, left center, left bottom, right top, right center, right bottom, center top, center center, and center bottom


This determines if the image moves with the screen or stays in one spot while scrolling, and the values for that would be; scroll, fixed, local, intial, and inherit.


This deterimes the size of the background image and the values would be; auto, lenght, percentage, cover, contain, initial, inherit.

Background-Edge Offset

The edge offset is how you can place an image on the edge ofthe screen. For example you could do background-position: right 10px bottom 10px.

Background-Multiple Stack Order

The stacking order of images will be the first image will be on top and so on.


The information that I gathered gave me a better understanding of how background properites and there values work.