DOM Specification

Define/Explain the DOM

The DOM is the web interface, and was created by the W3C. The DOM is a nuetrual language that makes it able to read other programming langues added into the web page. The DOM then allows you to connect to program languages by representing the struce of the document.

DOM Specifications

DOM specifications are to identify and prepare a interface for the programming language. The specifications are divided into three parts, the first is to understand the content of the interface that is either HTML or XML. The next level involves six specifications and they are DOM2 Core, Views, Events, Style, Traversal and Range and HTML. Then the third contains the specifications DOM3 Core, Load and Save, and Validation.

DOM Implementation in Browsers

The DOM tree is created and this stucure allows the DOM to replicate the structure of the HTML page using Nodes. This then results in the structure and content of the web browser.


The DOM is a crucial part of web pages since it is the beginning of the browser. So understanding how it works is a important part of creating a website. The DOM allows user to change the structure of the site and change the appearance.